Meekness and Courage
“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one
another in love” (Ephesians 4:2).
We often believe that perception is reality, but many times it is not.
The enemy is swift to tempt us to believe something about another person
that may not be true. Remember, God created us for fellowship—first with
Himself and then with others.
Once we have accepted Christ as our Savior, the enemy knows that he can no
longer capture our souls. We are saved by the grace of God.
However, he never backs away from a challenge and sets new goals to disrupt
and, if possible, to destroy our fellowship with God and with those we love.
When conflict arises, it is extremely important for us to listen only to the
voice of God. While there is benefit to the counsel of godly friends, there is
also the danger of missing what God wants us to see and learn on our own.
Therefore, before you react to a situation, ask the Lord to make His Truth
apparent to your heart. Wrong perceptions have been the cause of many
misunderstandings. Set a goal to set aside pride to understand the true motives
of the other person. Then, be meek and forgiving as necessary through the power
of the Holy Spirit.
Oftentimes, we view meekness as a weakness. In actuality, a meek person is
not weak or timid. In fact, Biblical meekness or gentleness is courage,
confidence, and strength under control.
God wants us to enjoy meekness as a fruit of the Spirit. When we learn how
to rest in Him and allow Him to work through us, His meekness will rise to the
surface of our lives—helping us to walk in fellowship with others as He
Prayer: Lord, help me to reflect on hurtful situations before I react to
them. Show me my wrongs so that I may ask for forgiveness. Grant me insight
into the hearts of those with whom I have a dispute so that I might have
compassion. May I extend forgiveness just as I have been forgiven. Thank You
for the fruit of Your meekness and courage. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.